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From a practical perspective, you should be looking at the long-term statistics of the equilibrium simulations, and the temporal variations in the transient simulations. There are more details and links below, but a quick division of the experiments is... * **PMIP4/CMIP6 Equilibrium Simulations** * **piControl** (Preindustrial): //The control run that all the climate changes can be calculated from// * **abrupt4xCO2** (Instantaneous quadrupling of carbon dioxide): //An idealized global warming experiment (primarily included for calculating the climate sensitivity)// * **midHolocene** (6,000 yrs ago): //Useful for identifying impacts of orbital forcing// * **lgm** (The last glacial maximum at 21,000 yrs ago): //The archetypal cold climate state// * **lig127k** (Last Interglacial, 127,000 yrs ago): //Peak of the warm period prior to last glaciation// * **Eoi400** (Pliocene, 3,205,000 years ago): //warm conditions before any Northern Hemisphere glaciation (minimal continental drift)// * **DeepMIP** (Eocene & Paleocene, 50-60 million yrs ago): //Warm climates with carbon dioxide concentrations similar to end of century projections (continents drifted, PMIP-only)// * **PMIP4/CMIP6 Transient Simulations** * **1pctCO2** (Carbon dioxide concentrations increase by 1% per year): //An idealized global warming experiment (primarily included for calculating the transient climate response)// * **historical** (1850CE onwards): //Free-running simulations of industrial era (so climate variability's phase/sign does not match observations, but its statistics should)// * **past1000** (last millennium, 850CE onwards): //Free-running simulations seeing 1000+ years of climate forcings// * **LDv1** (last deglaciation, 21,000 years ago to present): //Very-long simulation that encompasses all forcings (PMIP-only)// * **Other Transient Simulations** //There are several other long palaeoclimate simulations that my be useful// * **[[https://www.earthsystemgrid.org/project/trace.html|TraCE]]** This simulation runs from 22,000 years before present (22ka) to 1990 CE as well as single-forcing sensitivity simulations of varying lengths. Contact [[mailto:ottobli@ucar.edu|Bette Otto-Bliesner]] * **[[https://www.cesm.ucar.edu/experiments/cesm1.3/iTRACE/|iTraCE]]** This simulation runs from 22,000 years before present (22ka) to around 11ka as well as single-forcing sensitivity simulations of varying lengths. It also includes isotopes. Contact [[mailto:ottobli@ucar.edu|Bette Otto-Bliesner]] * **[[https://www.clim-past-discuss.net/cp-2018-140/|MPI]]** Simulations with both fast and slow forcings from 8000ka-present. Contact [[mailto:johann.jungclaus@mpimet.mpg.de|Johann Jungclaus]]. * **[[https://doi.org/10.1029/2018GL079337|Kiel]]** Simulations of both the Holocene and the Eemian exist for the Kiel model. Contact [[mailto:vyacheslav.khon@ifg.uni-kiel.de|Vyacheslav Khon]]. * **[[https://www.palmod.de/home|AWI]]** Slowly a simulation from the Last Glacial to present is being is created. Contact [[mailto:Gerrit.Lohmann@awi.de|Gerrit Lohmann]] * **[[https://www.clim-past-discuss.net/cp-2018-140/|IPSL]]** Several simulations from 6000ka to present have recently been performed in France. Contact [[mailto:pascale.braconnot@lsce.ipsl.fr|Pascale Braconnot]] and Olivier Marti. * **[[https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00382-011-1283-y|FAMOUS]]** An old simulation of the last glacial cycle with accelerated-forcing. Contact [[mailto:r.s.smith@reading.ac.uk|Robin Smith]] * **[[https://www.su.se/english/profiles/qzhan-1.191706|EC-Earth3]]** Simulation from about 8ka. Contact [[mailto:qiong.zhang@natgeo.su.se|Qiong Zhang]] * **[[https://gmd.copernicus.org/preprints/gmd-2022-49/|CESM1.2.1]]** Simulation from 11.7 onwards. Contact Zhiping Tian and [[mailto:jiangdb@mail.iap.ac.cn|Dabang Jiang]] * **[[https://www.paleo.bristol.ac.uk/ummodel/scripts/papers/Singarayer_and_Valdes_2010.html|HadCM3]]** A set of transient sensitivity simulations since the deglacial. There are also series of equilibrium simulations of HadCM3 run over the last glacial cycle. A version of these does exist with water isotopes. Contact [[mailto:P.J.Valdes@bristol.ac.uk|Paul Valdes]] * **[[https://www.paleo.bristol.ac.uk/ummodel/scripts/papers/Singarayer_and_Valdes_2010.html|GISS]]** There are a series of equilibrium simulations of GISS-E2-1-G run during the Holocene, potentially with water isotopes. Contact [[mailto:al2035@columbia.edu|Allegra LeGrande]] ======= PMIP4/CMIP6 Information ======= Several different experiments are being performed in PMIP4. ==== Last Millennium ==== Experimental design: http://www.geosci-model-dev-discuss.net/gmd-2016-278/ \\ PMIP4 website: https://pmip4.lsce.ipsl.fr/doku.php/exp_design:lm \\ Database: ESGF \\ Variables: \\ ==== Mid Holocene ==== Experimental design: http://www.geosci-model-dev-discuss.net/gmd-2016-279/ \\ PMIP4 website: https://pmip4.lsce.ipsl.fr/doku.php/exp_design:mh \\ Database: ESGF \\ Variables: \\ ==== Last Glacial Maximum ==== Experimental design: http://www.geosci-model-dev-discuss.net/gmd-2017-18/ \\ PMIP4 website: https://pmip4.lsce.ipsl.fr/doku.php/exp_design:lgm \\ Database: ESGF \\ Variables: \\ ==== Last Deglaciation (21-9ka) ==== Experimental design: http://www.geosci-model-dev.net/9/2563/2016/ \\ PMIP4 website: https://pmip4.lsce.ipsl.fr/doku.php/exp_design:index \\ Database: Model output mostly to be made available directly from the institutes performing the runs \\ Variables: ? \\ ==== Eemian - Last Interglacial ==== Experimental design: http://www.geosci-model-dev-discuss.net/gmd-2016-279/ \\ PMIP4 website: https://pmip4.lsce.ipsl.fr/doku.php/exp_design:lig127 \\ Database: ESGF \\ Variables: \\ ==== Pliocene ==== Experimental design: http://www.clim-past.net/12/663/2016/ \\ USGS Website: http://geology.er.usgs.gov/egpsc/prism/7_pliomip2.html \\ Database: ESGF \\ Variables: http://geology.er.usgs.gov/egpsc/prism/7_pliomip2.html \\ ==== Eocene ==== EECO, PETM and pre-PETM \\ Experimental design: http://www.geosci-model-dev-discuss.net/gmd-2016-127/ \\ Website: http://www.deepmip.org Database: ESGF, or DeepMIP database \\ Variables: Outlined in Appendix A of the Experimental Design paper. \\ ======= PMIP3/CMIP5 Information ======= ===== PMIP Last Millenium, mid-Holocene, and LGM ===== The majority of PMIP model output is held in the PMIP database. This includes model output for the three 'Tier 1' PMIP time slices: Last Millenium, mid-Holocene, and LGM. In order to access it, contact Jean-Yves [jean-yves.peterschmitt@lsce.ipsl.fr], or see the instructions here: [[pmip3:database:index]]. The current status of the database is here: [[pmip3:database:status]]. ===== PlioMIP mid-Pliocene ===== The PlioMIP data is held on a (password protected) ftp repository in Bristol. This includes model output for the mid-Pliocene time slab. In order to access the full outputs, contact Alan Haywood [a.m.haywood@leeds.ac.uk]. You can access a limited amount of output (monthly 2m air temperatures from each model, and ensemble and zonal means) from the Supplementary information of this paper: http://www.clim-past.net/9/191/2013/cp-9-191-2013.html ===== LIGMIP last Interglaci[al/ation] ===== You can access a limited amount of output (monthly 2m air temperatures) from the Supplementary information of this paper: http://www.clim-past.net/9/699/2013/cp-9-699-2013.html In order to access more data, you would have to contact the groups individually, or contact Dan Lunt [d.j.lunt@bristol.ac.uk] for an email list. Bette Otto-Bliesner is currently collating precipitation data, so you could contact her [ottobli@ucar.edu] if you want that. ===== EoMIP Eocene ===== You can access a limited amount of output (monthly 2m air temperatures from each model, and ensemble and zonal means) from the Supplementary information of this paper: http://www.clim-past.net/8/1717/2012/cp-8-1717-2012.html In order to access more data, you would have to contact the groups individually, or contact Dan Lunt [d.j.lunt@bristol.ac.uk] for an email list. ===== Other stuff ===== Some groups have their own online databases of model simulations: == University of Bristol BRIDGE repository: == http://www.bridge.bris.ac.uk/resources/simulations\\ If you click on 'Access simulations', you can gain access (netcdf and plots) to model data from a selection of published papers. In addition, you may be able to have access to other simulations, on request [to d.j.lunt@bristol.ac.uk or p.j.valdes@bristol.ac.uk]. A list of currently available groups of simulations is here:\\ http://www.paleo.bris.ac.uk/ummodel/list_of_simulations.html \\ /* standard page footer */ \\ \\ \\ ---- [ [[pmip3:|PMIP3 Wiki Home]] ] - [ [[pmip3:wiki_help|Help!]] ] - [ [[wiki:syntax|Wiki syntax]] ]