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pubs:chaptersar6 [2019/01/03 16:45]
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 ====== PMIP publications for AR6 ====== ====== PMIP publications for AR6 ======
-===== Chapter 1 =====+Document generated on **Thu Jan  3 17:40:50 2019** 
 +Number of submitted references: **150** 
 +  * References are not sorted, and listed in the order they were submitted to the //PMIP publications for the AR6-WG1 questionnaire// 
 +  * There may be some duplicates (same ref submitted by different people) 
 +===== Chapter 1: Framing, context, methods ===== 
 +Number of selected references: **11**
   * Shi, H., B. Wang, E. R. Cook, J. Liu, and F. Liu, 2018: Asian summer precipitation over the past 544 years reconstructed by merging tree rings and historical documentary records. J. Clim., 31, 7845-7861,   * Shi, H., B. Wang, E. R. Cook, J. Liu, and F. Liu, 2018: Asian summer precipitation over the past 544 years reconstructed by merging tree rings and historical documentary records. J. Clim., 31, 7845-7861,
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-===== Chapter 2 =====+===== Chapter 2: Changing state of the climate system ===== 
 +Number of selected references: **79** 
 +  * PAGES2k-PMIP3 group: Bothe O, M. Evans, L. Fernández Donado, E. Garcia Bustamante, J. Gergis, F. J. Gonzalez-Rouco, H. Goosse , G. Hegerl, A. Hind, J. Jungclaus, D. Kaufman, F. Lehner, N. McKay, A. Moberg, C. C. Raible, A. Schurer, F. Shi, J. Smerdon, L. von Gunten, S. Wagner, E. Warren, M. Widmann, P. Yiou, E. Zorita, 2015. Continental-scale temperature variability in PMIP3 simulations and PAGES 2k regional temperature reconstructions over the past millennium. Climate of the Past, 11, 1673-1699, 2015 , 
 +    * The paper presents a thorough comparison between simulation and model results at the continental scale over the past millennium
   * Klein F., H. Goosse, D. Verschuren, N. Graham, 2016. Comparison of simulated and reconstructed variations in East African hydroclimate over the last millennium. Climate of the Past Clim. Past, 12, 1499-1518 ,    * Klein F., H. Goosse, D. Verschuren, N. Graham, 2016. Comparison of simulated and reconstructed variations in East African hydroclimate over the last millennium. Climate of the Past Clim. Past, 12, 1499-1518 , 
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     * Major modes of Asian summer monsoon rainfall variability and predictability are discussed in this paper.     * Major modes of Asian summer monsoon rainfall variability and predictability are discussed in this paper.
-  * Saint-Lu, M., et al. (2015). "Changes in the ENSO/SPCZ relationship from past to future climates." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 412: 18-24., n/a+  * Saint-Lu, M., et al. (2015). "Changes in the ENSO/SPCZ relationship from past to future climates." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 412: 18-24.,
     * This study considers a set of paleoclimate and future climate simulations. It shows that changes in the background tropical state largely control the mean SPCZ location. In contrast, changes in the background tropical state do not directly control the interannual variability of the SPCZ location. The relationship between ENSO and the SPCZ location varies from one climate to another. We thus demonstrate that the teleconnection mechanisms inferred from the modern climate cannot be directly extrapolated to other climates. This study therefore calls for a cautious interpretation of climate reconstructions from environmental indicators in the Southwest Pacific with regard to ENSO variations.     * This study considers a set of paleoclimate and future climate simulations. It shows that changes in the background tropical state largely control the mean SPCZ location. In contrast, changes in the background tropical state do not directly control the interannual variability of the SPCZ location. The relationship between ENSO and the SPCZ location varies from one climate to another. We thus demonstrate that the teleconnection mechanisms inferred from the modern climate cannot be directly extrapolated to other climates. This study therefore calls for a cautious interpretation of climate reconstructions from environmental indicators in the Southwest Pacific with regard to ENSO variations.
-  * Blanchet, C. L., Contoux, C., Leduc, G.: Runoff and precipitation dynamics in the Blue and White Nile catchments during the mid-Holocene: a data-model comparison, Quaternary Science Reviews, 130, 222-230, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.07.014, 2015., 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.07.014+  * Blanchet, C. L., Contoux, C., Leduc, G.: Runoff and precipitation dynamics in the Blue and White Nile catchments during the mid-Holocene: a data-model comparison, Quaternary Science Reviews, 130, 222-230, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.07.014, 2015.,
     * This paper describes the changes in contribution between the White Nile and the Blue Nile river catchments during the mid-Holocene. By comparing regional proxy-records with the output from a global atmospheric model zoomed on Africa, we propose that the reduced contribution from the Blue Nile at 6 ka originated from both a higher White Nile runoff and a lower Blue Nile runoff.     * This paper describes the changes in contribution between the White Nile and the Blue Nile river catchments during the mid-Holocene. By comparing regional proxy-records with the output from a global atmospheric model zoomed on Africa, we propose that the reduced contribution from the Blue Nile at 6 ka originated from both a higher White Nile runoff and a lower Blue Nile runoff.
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     * This study reveals that there was a strong connection between changes in North Atlantic circulation during Heinrich Stadials and injections of freshwater from the North American Cordilleran Ice Sheet to the north-eastern North Pacific. The results show that nonlinear ocean- atmosphere background interactions played a complex role in the dynamics linking the freshwater discharge responses of the North Atlantic and North Pacific during glacial periods.     * This study reveals that there was a strong connection between changes in North Atlantic circulation during Heinrich Stadials and injections of freshwater from the North American Cordilleran Ice Sheet to the north-eastern North Pacific. The results show that nonlinear ocean- atmosphere background interactions played a complex role in the dynamics linking the freshwater discharge responses of the North Atlantic and North Pacific during glacial periods.
 +  * Bartlein, P.J., and S.L. Shafer, 2018, Paleo calendar-effect adjustments in time-slice and transient climate-model simulations (PaleoCalAdjust v1.0): impact and strategies for data analysis. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions, 1-36., 
 +    * Implements an approach for adjusting for the paleo calendar effect, which is significant for the midHoloceneand lig127 PMIP experiments.
-===== Chapter 3 =====+  * Biasutti, M., Voigt, A., Bader, J., Boos, W.R., Braconnot, P., Hargreaves, J.C., Harrison, S.P., Kang, S., Mapes, B., Scheff, J., Schumacher, C., Sobel, A.H., Schmidt, G., Xie, S-P. 2018. Global energetics and local physics as drivers of past, present and future monsoons. Nature Geosciences 11: 392-400. doi:10.1038/s41561-018-0137-1, doi:10.1038/s41561-018-0137-1 
 +    * provides a new theoretical framework for understanding changes in the monsoons 
 +  * Atsawawaranunt, K., Comas-Bru, L., Amirnezhad Mozhdehi, S., Deininger, M., Harrison, S.P., Baker, A., Boyd, M., Kaushal, N., Masood Ahmed, S., Arienzo, M., Brahim, Y.A., Bajo, P., Braun, K., Burstyn, Y., Chawchai, S., Duan, W., Hatvani, I.G., Hu, J., Kern, Z., Labuhn, I., Lachniet, M., Lechleiter, F.A., Lorrey, A., Pérez-Mejías, C., Pickering, R., Scroxton, N. and SISAL Working Group Members, 2018. The SISAL database: a global resource to document water and carbon isotope records from speleothems. Earth System Science Data 10:1687-1713. , 
 +    * Documents a new data set of oxygen isotope data from speleothems that will can be used for benchmarking isotope-enabled palaeoclimate simulations 
 +  * Prentice, I.C., Cleator, S.F., Huang, Y.F., Harrison, S.P., Roulstone, I., 2017.  Reconstructing ice -age climates: quantifying low-CO2 effects on plants. Global and Planetary Change 149: 166-176., 
 +    * Provides a way of taking account of the ecophysicological impacts of low CO2 during glacial periods in making climate reconstructions of moisture variables from fossil pollen. The water-use efficiency of plants in reduced under low CO2 and this results in vegetation appearing to reflect more arid conditions that in fact prevailed. The paper provides a correction which can be applied to existing pollen-based reconstructions of moisture to take account of this. 
 +  * Sánchez Goñi, M.F., Desprat, S., Daniau, A.-L., Bassinot, F., Polanco-Martínez, J.M., Harrison, S.P., Allen, J.R.P., Anderson, R.S., Behling, H., Bonnefille, R., Burjachs, F., Carrión, J.S., Cheddadi, R., Clark, J.S., Combourieu-Nebout, N., Courtney-Mustaphi, C., Debusk, G.H., Dupont, L.M., Finch, J., Fletcher, W.J., Giardini, M., González, C., Gosling, W.D., Grigg, L.D., Grimm, E.C., Hayashi, R., Helmens, K., Heusser, L.E., Hill, T., Hope, G., Huntley, B., Igarashi, Y., Irino, T., Jacobs, B.F., Jiménez-Moreno, G., Kawai, S., Kershaw, P., Kumon, F., Lawson, I., Ledru, M.-P., Lézine, A.-M., Liew, P.-M., Magri, D., Marchant, R., Margari, V., Mayle, F., McKenzie, M., Moss, P., Müller, S., Müller, U.C., Naughton, F., Newnham, R.M., Oba, T., Pérez-Obiol, R., Pini, R., Ravazzi, C., Roucoux, K.H., Rucina, S., Scott, L., Takahara, H., Tzedakis, P.C., Urrego, D.H., Van Geel, B., Valencia, B.G., Vandergoes, M.J., Vincens , A., Whitlock, C.L., Willard, D. A., Yamamoto, M., 2017 The ACER pollen and charcoal database: a global resource to document vegetation and fire response to abrupt climate changes of the last glacial period.  Earth System Science Data 9: 679-695., 
 +    * Documents a global database of pollen and charcoal data which provides information on the response of vegetation and vegetation disturbance by fire to Dansgaard-Oeschger variability during the last glacial period. 
 +  * Izumi, K. and P.J. Bartlein, 2016, North American paleoclimate reconstructions for the last glacial maximum using an inverse-modeling through iterative-forward-modeling (IMIFM) approach applied to pollen data. Geophysical Research Letters. 43:1-8,  
 +    * Describes a method for interative forward-modeling reconstructions of paleoclimates 
 +  * Harrison, S.P., P.J. Bartlein & I.C. Prentice, 2016, What have we learnt from palaeoclimate simulations? Journal of Quaternary Science31:363-385,  
 +    * Overview of results from comparisons of climate-model simulations and paleoclimatic data syntheses 
 +  * Izumi, K., Bartlein, P.J., Harrison, S.P., 2015. Energy-balance mechanisms underlying consistent large-scale temperature responses in warm and cold climates. Climate Dynamics. 44:3111-3127., 
 +    * Explains the energy-balance sources of the large-scale temperature responses in warm and cold climates 
 +  * Emile-Geay, J., Cobb, K.M., Carré, M., Braconnot, P., Leloup, J., Zhou, Y., Harrison, S.P., Corrège, T., Collins, M., Driscoll, R., Elliot, M., McGregor, H.V., Schneider, B., Tudhope, A., 2015. Linkages between tropical Pacific seasonal, interannual and orbital variability during the Holocene. Nature Geoscience 9: 168-173. doi:10.1038/ngeo2608, doi:10.1038/ngeo2608 
 +    * Shows that ENSO variance was reduced throughout most of the Holocene and that this quiescence is not obvioulsy related to orbital forcing. Climate models are unable to reproduce these observations. 
 +  * Harrison, S.P., Bartlein, P.J., Brewer, S., Prentice, I.C., Boyd, M., Hessler, I., Holmgren, K., Izumi, K., Willis, K., 2014. Climate model benchmarking with glacial and mid-Holocene climates. Climate Dynamics 43, 671-688., 
 +    * Systematic benchmarking of the PMIP3 models 
 +  * Hessler, I., Harrison, S.P., Kuchera, M., Waelbroeck, C., Chen, M-T., Anderson, C., de Vernal, A., Fréchette, B., Cloke-Hayes, A. and Londeix, L., 2014. Implication of methodological uncertainties for mid-Holocene sea surface temperature reconstructions. Climate of the Past 10: 2237-2252., 
 +    * Systematically assess the methodological issues thatcontribute to the uncertainties associated with sea-surface temperature reconstructions during the mid-Holocene. Indicates that the MH is not a good time period to evaluate oceanic conditions. 
 +  * Perez-Sanz, A., Li, G., Gonzalez, P., Harrison, S.P., 2014. Evaluation of seasonal climates of northern Africa and the Mediterranean in the CMIP5 simulations.  Climate of the Past 10: 551-568. doi:10.5194/cp-10-551-2014, doi:10.5194/cp-10-551-2014 
 +    * Provides an evaluation of the ability of the CMIP5 simulations to simukate enhanced monsoons during the mid-Holocene. 
 +  * Izumi, K., P.J. Bartlein and S.P. Harrison, 2013, Consistent large-scale temperature responses in warm and cold climates, Geophysical Research Letters,  
 +    * Demonstrates that there are consistent large-scale temperature responses in warm and cold climates using paleo simulations and reconstructions along with future simulations 
 +===== Chapter 3: Human influence on the climate system ===== 
 +Number of selected references: **13** 
 +  * Kadow, C, S. Illing, O. Kunst, H. W. Rust, H. Pohlmann, W. A. Müller and U. Cubasch, 2015: Evaluation of forecasts by accuracy and spread in the MIKLIP decadal prediction system. Met. Z, DOI 10.1127/metz/2015/0639 
 +    * development of decadal prediction modeling
   * Bürger, G. and U. Cubasch, 2015: The detectability of climate engineering. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, , doi:10.1002/2015JD023954   * Bürger, G. and U. Cubasch, 2015: The detectability of climate engineering. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 120, , doi:10.1002/2015JD023954
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     * We review the principal proxy data available for hydroclimatic reconstructionsover the Common Era (CE) and highlight the contemporary understanding of how these proxies are interpreted as hydroclimate indicators. We also review the available last-millennium simulations from fully coupled climate models and discuss several outstanding challenges associated with simulating hydroclimate variability and change over the CE.     * We review the principal proxy data available for hydroclimatic reconstructionsover the Common Era (CE) and highlight the contemporary understanding of how these proxies are interpreted as hydroclimate indicators. We also review the available last-millennium simulations from fully coupled climate models and discuss several outstanding challenges associated with simulating hydroclimate variability and change over the CE.
 +  * Gallego-Sala, A., Charman, D., Harrison, S.P., Li, G. and Prentice, I.C., 2016. Climate-driven expansion of blanket bogs in Britain during the Holocene.  Climate of the Past 12: 129-136.,
 +    * Shows that the Late Holocene expansion of peat bogs across Britain, often attributed to human activities, can in fact be explained by climate changes.
-===== Chapter 4 =====+ 
 +===== Chapter 4: Future global climate: scenario-based projections and near-term information ===== 
 +Number of selected references: **22** 
 +  * Brierley, C., & Wainer, I. (2018). Inter-annual variability in the tropical Atlantic from the Last Glacial Maximum into future climate projections simulated by CMIP5/PMIP3. Climate of the Past, 14(10), 1377-1390., 
 +    * We look at changes in two climate modes (Atlantic Nino and Atlantic Meridional Mode) and how they respond to past/future forcing. Whilst there are robust changes not obvious constraints emerge across the ensemble .
   * Sun, Y. et al.,2013:A comparative study of large-scale atmospheric circulation in the context of a future scenario (RCP4.5) and past warmth (mid-Pliocene), Climate of the Past, 9, 1613-1627.,   * Sun, Y. et al.,2013:A comparative study of large-scale atmospheric circulation in the context of a future scenario (RCP4.5) and past warmth (mid-Pliocene), Climate of the Past, 9, 1613-1627.,
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-===== Chapter 5 =====+===== Chapter 5: Global carbon and other biogeochemical cycles and feedbacks ===== 
 +Number of selected references: **6** 
 +  * Lambert, F., A. Tagliabue, G. Shaffer, F. Lamy, G. Winckler, L. Farias, L. Gallardo, and R. De Pol-Holz (2015), Dust fluxes and iron fertilization in Holocene and Last Glacial Maximum climates, Geophys. Res. Lett., 42(14), 6014-6023, 10.1002/2015GL064250 
 +    * Dust deposition fields for HOL and LGM climate, and associated CO2 drawdown through iron fertilization
   * Lu, Z., Miller, P. A., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Q., Wårlind, D., Nieradzik, L., & Smith, B. (2018). Dynamic Vegetation Simulations of the Mid-Holocene Green Sahara. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(16), 8294-8303.,   * Lu, Z., Miller, P. A., Zhang, Q., Zhang, Q., Wårlind, D., Nieradzik, L., & Smith, B. (2018). Dynamic Vegetation Simulations of the Mid-Holocene Green Sahara. Geophysical Research Letters, 45(16), 8294-8303.,
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     * This paper assess  response of atmospheric circulations to LGM ice sheet forcing to understand controls on biogeochemistry of the North Pacific Ocean during last deglaciation. The paper suggests massive CO2 outgassing from the North Pacific during the last deglaciation was aided by a large increase in Ekman suction within the North Pacific with the presence of an ice sheet over North America.      * This paper assess  response of atmospheric circulations to LGM ice sheet forcing to understand controls on biogeochemistry of the North Pacific Ocean during last deglaciation. The paper suggests massive CO2 outgassing from the North Pacific during the last deglaciation was aided by a large increase in Ekman suction within the North Pacific with the presence of an ice sheet over North America. 
 +  * Harrison, S. P., Bartlein, P. J., Brovkin, V., Houweling, S., Kloster, S., & Prentice, I. C. (2018). The biomass burning contribution to climate-carbon-cycle feedback. Earth Syst. Dynam., 9(2), 663-677., 
 +    * Quantifies the biomass burning contribution to climate-carbon-cycle feedback
-===== Chapter 6 =====+  * Li, G., Gerhart, L.M., Harrison, S.P., Ward, J., Harris, J., and Prentice, I.C., 2017. Changes in biomass allocation buffer low CO2 effects on tree growth during the last glaciation. Nature Scientific Reports 7, 43087., doi: 10.1038/srep43087. 
 +    * Shows that changes in carbon allocation between above- and below-ground components are necessary to explain tree growth under low CO2 conditions during the glacial. This has implications both for modelling vegetation, since current models assume that allocation is a fixed ratio, and for interpreting tree ring records as a climate signal. 
 +  * Martin Calvo, M., Prentice, I.C., Harrison, S.P., 2014. Climate versus carbon dioxide controls on biomass burning: a model analysis of the glacial-interglacial contrast. Biogeosciences, 11, 6017-6027. doi:10.5194/bg-11-6017-2014, doi:10.5194/bg-11-6017-2014a 
 +    * Demonstrates that changing CO2 since the Last Glacial Maximum has affected  fire regimes through altering productivity and hence fuel loads. By analogy, both rising CO2 and climate must be considered as risk factors for wildfire. 
 +===== Chapter 6: Short-Lived Climate Forcers ===== 
 +Number of selected references: **13** 
 +  * Zanchettin, D., Khodri, M., Timmreck, C., Toohey, M., Schmidt, A., Gerber, E. P., Hegerl, G., Robock, A., Pausata, F. S. R., Ball, W. T., Bauer, S. E., Bekki, S., Dhomse, S. S., LeGrande, A. N., Mann, G. W., Marshall, L., Mills, M., Marchand, M., Niemeier, U., Poulain, V., Rozanov, E., Rubino, A., Stenke, A., Tsigaridis, K., and Tummon, F.: The Model Intercomparison Project on the climatic response to Volcanic forcing (VolMIP): experimental design and forcing input data for CMIP6, Geosci. Model Dev., 9, 2701-2719, doi:10.5194/gmd-9-2701-2016, 2016, 10.5194/gmd-9-2701-2016, 2016 
 +    * This paper presents the experimental design of the "Model Intercomparison Project on the climatic response to Volcanic forcing (VolMIP), which includes idealized  experiments focused on the short-term atmospheric as well as long-term coupled response to volcanic forcing. The core idea of VolMIP is to constrain radiative forcing among the participating models to focus on the climatic response, hence reference forcing dataare provided in terms of optical aerosol properties for a series of reference eruptions.
   * Zanchettin, D., O. Bothe, H. F. Graf, S. J. Lorenz, J. Luterbacher, C. Timmreck, and J. H. Jungclaus (2013) Background conditions influence the decadal climate response to strong volcanic eruptions. J. Geophys. Res. Atm., 118(10): 4090-4106, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50229, 10.1002/jgrd.50229   * Zanchettin, D., O. Bothe, H. F. Graf, S. J. Lorenz, J. Luterbacher, C. Timmreck, and J. H. Jungclaus (2013) Background conditions influence the decadal climate response to strong volcanic eruptions. J. Geophys. Res. Atm., 118(10): 4090-4106, doi:10.1002/jgrd.50229, 10.1002/jgrd.50229
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     * Simulations of five different periods have been designed to address the objectives of the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6): the millennium prior to the industrial epoch (CMIP6 name: past1000); the mid-Holocene, 6000 years ago (midHolocene); the Last Glacial Maximum, 21 000 years ago (lgm); the Last Interglacial, 127 000 years ago (lig127k); and the mid-Pliocene Warm Period, 3.2 million years ago (midPliocene-eoi400). This paper describes the motivation for the choice of these periods and the design of the numerical experiments and database requests, with a focus on their novel features compared to the experiments performed in previous phases of PMIP and CMIP. It also outlines the analysis plan that takes advantage of the comparisons of the results across periods and across CMIP6 in collaboration with other MIPs.     * Simulations of five different periods have been designed to address the objectives of the sixth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP6): the millennium prior to the industrial epoch (CMIP6 name: past1000); the mid-Holocene, 6000 years ago (midHolocene); the Last Glacial Maximum, 21 000 years ago (lgm); the Last Interglacial, 127 000 years ago (lig127k); and the mid-Pliocene Warm Period, 3.2 million years ago (midPliocene-eoi400). This paper describes the motivation for the choice of these periods and the design of the numerical experiments and database requests, with a focus on their novel features compared to the experiments performed in previous phases of PMIP and CMIP. It also outlines the analysis plan that takes advantage of the comparisons of the results across periods and across CMIP6 in collaboration with other MIPs.
 +  * Emile-Geay, J., Cobb, K.M., Carré, M., Braconnot, P., Leloup, J., Zhou, Y., Harrison, S.P., Corrège, T., Collins, M., Driscoll, R., Elliot, M., McGregor, H.V., Schneider, B., Tudhope, A., 2015. Linkages between tropical Pacific seasonal, interannual and orbital variability during the Holocene. Nature Geoscience 9: 168-173. doi:10.1038/ngeo2608, doi:10.1038/ngeo2608
 +    * Shows that ENSO variance was reduced throughout most of the Holocene and that this quiescence is not obvioulsy related to orbital forcing. Climate models are unable to reproduce these observations.
 +===== Chapter 7: The Earth's Energy Budget, Climate Feedbacks, and Climate Sensitivity =====
 +Number of selected references: **45**
-===== Chapter 7 =====+  * Braconnot, P., and M. Kageyama (2015), Shortwave forcing and feedbacks in Last Glacial Maximum and Mid-Holocene PMIP3 simulations, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 373(2054), pii: 20140424., 
 +    * climate sentivity and analogy between LGM and Holocene on snow and cloud feedbacks; végétation feedback and african monsoon, model biases and african monsoon
   * de Boer, Bas, Haywood, Alan M.,  Dolan, Aisling M.,  Hunter, Stephen J., and Prescott, Caroline L., 2017. The Transient Response of Ice Volume to Orbital Forcing During the Warm Late Pliocene, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 10,486--10,494.,   * de Boer, Bas, Haywood, Alan M.,  Dolan, Aisling M.,  Hunter, Stephen J., and Prescott, Caroline L., 2017. The Transient Response of Ice Volume to Orbital Forcing During the Warm Late Pliocene, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 10,486--10,494.,
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     * Using palaeo-climate comparisons to constrain future projections!     * Using palaeo-climate comparisons to constrain future projections!
-  * Marzin, C., Braconnot, P. and Kageyama, M. (2013). Relative impacts of insolation changes, meltwater fluxes and ice sheets on African and Asian monsoons during the Holocene. Climate Dynamics. 41: 2267-2286., n/a+  * Marzin, C., Braconnot, P. and Kageyama, M. (2013). Relative impacts of insolation changes, meltwater fluxes and ice sheets on African and Asian monsoons during the Holocene. Climate Dynamics. 41: 2267-2286.,
     * This paper analyse the teleconnection between the remnant northern hemisphere ice-sheet in the early Holocene and fresh water fluxes induced by ice sheet melting on the African and Indian monsoons. It shows that despite similarities in the response to these two factors in the Atlantic the teleconnections are different, mainly because of differences in the way the thermohaline circulation is affected.      * This paper analyse the teleconnection between the remnant northern hemisphere ice-sheet in the early Holocene and fresh water fluxes induced by ice sheet melting on the African and Indian monsoons. It shows that despite similarities in the response to these two factors in the Atlantic the teleconnections are different, mainly because of differences in the way the thermohaline circulation is affected. 
-  * Luan, Y. H., et al. (2015). "Tropical Pacific mean state and ENSO changes: sensitivity to freshwater flux and remnant ice sheets at 9.5 ka BP." Climate Dynamics 44(3-4): 661-678., n/a+  * Luan, Y. H., et al. (2015). "Tropical Pacific mean state and ENSO changes: sensitivity to freshwater flux and remnant ice sheets at 9.5 ka BP." Climate Dynamics 44(3-4): 661-678.,
     * Using as a reference a simulation of the early Holocene, the present study explores the relative contribution of ice-sheet and fresh water fluxes  on themean climate state and ENSO variability in the tropical Pacific.The freshwater flux impact on ocean circulation and atmospheric feedbacks enhances ENSO amplitude. A feedback analysis suggests that it is due to the wind-thermocline feedback. The remnant ice sheett does not induce significant change in ENSO. Itexhibits a slight SST variability increase at the east coast and a reduction in the middle of the basin driven by the net. The freshwater flux forcing strengthens the amplitude of EP El Niño events. This mansucripts halp thus to unerstand the diversity of EL Niño event and the response of El Niño to external forcings.      * Using as a reference a simulation of the early Holocene, the present study explores the relative contribution of ice-sheet and fresh water fluxes  on themean climate state and ENSO variability in the tropical Pacific.The freshwater flux impact on ocean circulation and atmospheric feedbacks enhances ENSO amplitude. A feedback analysis suggests that it is due to the wind-thermocline feedback. The remnant ice sheett does not induce significant change in ENSO. Itexhibits a slight SST variability increase at the east coast and a reduction in the middle of the basin driven by the net. The freshwater flux forcing strengthens the amplitude of EP El Niño events. This mansucripts halp thus to unerstand the diversity of EL Niño event and the response of El Niño to external forcings. 
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     * The paper describes one of the first attempts of a fully coupled transient climate-ice sheet simulation of the Last Interglacial period. The results suggest that the relative timing of sea-level contributions from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are important for the interpretation of paleo sea-level records from that period.      * The paper describes one of the first attempts of a fully coupled transient climate-ice sheet simulation of the Last Interglacial period. The results suggest that the relative timing of sea-level contributions from the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are important for the interpretation of paleo sea-level records from that period. 
 +  * Bartlein, P.J., S.P. Harrison and K. Izumi, 2017, Underlying causes of Eurasian mid-continental aridity in simulations of mid-Holocene climate, Geophysical Research Letters. 44:1-9,
 +    * Discusses a long-standing mismatch between climate-model simulations and paleo observations and relates these to present-day biases in atmospheric circulation and moisture flux
-===== Chapter 8 =====+  * Izumi, K. and P.J. Bartlein, 2016, North American paleoclimate reconstructions for the last glacial maximum using an inverse-modeling through iterative-forward-modeling (IMIFM) approach applied to pollen data. Geophysical Research Letters. 43:1-8,  
 +    * Describes a method for interative forward-modeling reconstructions of paleoclimates 
 +  * Harrison, S.P., P.J. Bartlein & I.C. Prentice, 2016, What have we learnt from palaeoclimate simulations? Journal of Quaternary Science31:363-385,  
 +    * Overview of results from comparisons of climate-model simulations and paleoclimatic data syntheses 
 +  * Izumi, K., Bartlein, P.J., Harrison, S.P., 2015. Energy-balance mechanisms underlying consistent large-scale temperature responses in warm and cold climates. Climate Dynamics. 44:3111-3127., 
 +    * Explains the energy-balance sources of the large-scale temperature responses in warm and cold climates 
 +  * Harrison, S.P., Bartlein, P.J., Brewer, S., Prentice, I.C., Boyd, M., Hessler, I., Holmgren, K., Izumi, K., Willis, K., 2014. Climate model benchmarking with glacial and mid-Holocene climates. Climate Dynamics 43, 671-688., 
 +    * Systematic benchmarking of the PMIP3 models 
 +  * Martin Calvo, M., Prentice, I.C., Harrison, S.P., 2014. Climate versus carbon dioxide controls on biomass burning: a model analysis of the glacial-interglacial contrast. Biogeosciences, 11, 6017-6027. doi:10.5194/bg-11-6017-2014, doi:10.5194/bg-11-6017-2014a 
 +    * Demonstrates that changing CO2 since the Last Glacial Maximum has affected  fire regimes through altering productivity and hence fuel loads. By analogy, both rising CO2 and climate must be considered as risk factors for wildfire. 
 +  * Izumi, K., P.J. Bartlein and S.P. Harrison, 2013, Consistent large-scale temperature responses in warm and cold climates, Geophysical Research Letters,  
 +    * Demonstrates that there are consistent large-scale temperature responses in warm and cold climates using paleo simulations and reconstructions along with future simulations 
 +===== Chapter 8: Water Cycle Changes ===== 
 +Number of selected references: **40** 
 +  * Braconnot, P., and M. Kageyama (2015), Shortwave forcing and feedbacks in Last Glacial Maximum and Mid-Holocene PMIP3 simulations, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 373(2054), pii: 20140424., 
 +    * climate sentivity and analogy between LGM and Holocene on snow and cloud feedbacks; végétation feedback and african monsoon, model biases and african monsoon
   * Klein F., H. Goosse, D. Verschuren, N. Graham, 2016. Comparison of simulated and reconstructed variations in East African hydroclimate over the last millennium. Climate of the Past Clim. Past, 12, 1499-1518 ,    * Klein F., H. Goosse, D. Verschuren, N. Graham, 2016. Comparison of simulated and reconstructed variations in East African hydroclimate over the last millennium. Climate of the Past Clim. Past, 12, 1499-1518 , 
Line 573: Line 693:
     * We analyze 9 PMIP3 simulations to argue that wet conditions in western North America at LGM were caused by a combination of dynamic and thermodynamic factors. These same factors, working in the opposite direction, are projected to cause regional drying in western North America under increased greenhouse gas concentrations, indicating continuity from past to future in the mechanisms altering hydroclimate.     * We analyze 9 PMIP3 simulations to argue that wet conditions in western North America at LGM were caused by a combination of dynamic and thermodynamic factors. These same factors, working in the opposite direction, are projected to cause regional drying in western North America under increased greenhouse gas concentrations, indicating continuity from past to future in the mechanisms altering hydroclimate.
-  * Zheng, W. P. and Braconnot, P. (2013). Characterization of Model Spread in PMIP2 Mid-Holocene Simulations of the African Monsoon. Journal of Climate. 26: 1192-1210., n/a+  * Zheng, W. P. and Braconnot, P. (2013). Characterization of Model Spread in PMIP2 Mid-Holocene Simulations of the African Monsoon. Journal of Climate. 26: 1192-1210.,
     * Using a classification of the monsoonal convective regimes fora subset of sevenPMIP mid Holocene simulations, this paper show that two categories of model can be defined based on their differences insimulating deep and moderate convective regimes in the PI simulations. Changes in precipitation at 6 ka are dominated by changes in the large-scale dynamics for most of the PMIP2 models and are characterized bya shift in the monsoonal circulation toward deeper convective regimes. The results indicate that systematic model biases in simulating the radiation and heat fluxes could explain the damping of the meridional temperature gradient over West Africa and thereby the underestimation of precipitation in the Sahel-Sahara region.     * Using a classification of the monsoonal convective regimes fora subset of sevenPMIP mid Holocene simulations, this paper show that two categories of model can be defined based on their differences insimulating deep and moderate convective regimes in the PI simulations. Changes in precipitation at 6 ka are dominated by changes in the large-scale dynamics for most of the PMIP2 models and are characterized bya shift in the monsoonal circulation toward deeper convective regimes. The results indicate that systematic model biases in simulating the radiation and heat fluxes could explain the damping of the meridional temperature gradient over West Africa and thereby the underestimation of precipitation in the Sahel-Sahara region.
-  * Marzin, C., Kallel, N., Kageyama, M., Duplessy, J. C. and Braconnot, P. (2013). Glacial fluctuations of the Indian monsoon and their relationship with North Atlantic climate: new data and modelling experiments. Climate of the Past. 9: 2135-2151, n/a+  * Marzin, C., Kallel, N., Kageyama, M., Duplessy, J. C. and Braconnot, P. (2013). Glacial fluctuations of the Indian monsoon and their relationship with North Atlantic climate: new data and modelling experiments. Climate of the Past. 9: 2135-2151,
     * This study analyse the processes that can explain the relationship between the Indian monsoon and the North Atlantic climate under glacial conditions,  by increasing the freshwater flux in the North Atlantic and reducing the intensity of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. It shows that reduced indian monsoon is associated to changes in the continental runoff and local hydrological cycle that are responsible for the changes in salinity of the Bay of Bengal in the model. Sensitivity experiments also highlight that  the changes over the tropical Atlantic are essential in triggering perturbations of the subtropical jet over Eurasia that in turn affect the intensity of the Indian monsoon.     * This study analyse the processes that can explain the relationship between the Indian monsoon and the North Atlantic climate under glacial conditions,  by increasing the freshwater flux in the North Atlantic and reducing the intensity of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. It shows that reduced indian monsoon is associated to changes in the continental runoff and local hydrological cycle that are responsible for the changes in salinity of the Bay of Bengal in the model. Sensitivity experiments also highlight that  the changes over the tropical Atlantic are essential in triggering perturbations of the subtropical jet over Eurasia that in turn affect the intensity of the Indian monsoon.
-  * Marzin, C., Braconnot, P. and Kageyama, M. (2013). Relative impacts of insolation changes, meltwater fluxes and ice sheets on African and Asian monsoons during the Holocene. Climate Dynamics. 41: 2267-2286., n/a+  * Marzin, C., Braconnot, P. and Kageyama, M. (2013). Relative impacts of insolation changes, meltwater fluxes and ice sheets on African and Asian monsoons during the Holocene. Climate Dynamics. 41: 2267-2286.,
     * This paper analyse the teleconnection between the remnant northern hemisphere ice-sheet in the early Holocene and fresh water fluxes induced by ice sheet melting on the African and Indian monsoons. It shows that despite similarities in the response to these two factors in the Atlantic the teleconnections are different, mainly because of differences in the way the thermohaline circulation is affected.      * This paper analyse the teleconnection between the remnant northern hemisphere ice-sheet in the early Holocene and fresh water fluxes induced by ice sheet melting on the African and Indian monsoons. It shows that despite similarities in the response to these two factors in the Atlantic the teleconnections are different, mainly because of differences in the way the thermohaline circulation is affected. 
-  * Luan, Y. H., et al. (2015). "Tropical Pacific mean state and ENSO changes: sensitivity to freshwater flux and remnant ice sheets at 9.5 ka BP." Climate Dynamics 44(3-4): 661-678., n/a+  * Luan, Y. H., et al. (2015). "Tropical Pacific mean state and ENSO changes: sensitivity to freshwater flux and remnant ice sheets at 9.5 ka BP." Climate Dynamics 44(3-4): 661-678.,
     * Using as a reference a simulation of the early Holocene, the present study explores the relative contribution of ice-sheet and fresh water fluxes  on themean climate state and ENSO variability in the tropical Pacific.The freshwater flux impact on ocean circulation and atmospheric feedbacks enhances ENSO amplitude. A feedback analysis suggests that it is due to the wind-thermocline feedback. The remnant ice sheett does not induce significant change in ENSO. Itexhibits a slight SST variability increase at the east coast and a reduction in the middle of the basin driven by the net. The freshwater flux forcing strengthens the amplitude of EP El Niño events. This mansucripts halp thus to unerstand the diversity of EL Niño event and the response of El Niño to external forcings.      * Using as a reference a simulation of the early Holocene, the present study explores the relative contribution of ice-sheet and fresh water fluxes  on themean climate state and ENSO variability in the tropical Pacific.The freshwater flux impact on ocean circulation and atmospheric feedbacks enhances ENSO amplitude. A feedback analysis suggests that it is due to the wind-thermocline feedback. The remnant ice sheett does not induce significant change in ENSO. Itexhibits a slight SST variability increase at the east coast and a reduction in the middle of the basin driven by the net. The freshwater flux forcing strengthens the amplitude of EP El Niño events. This mansucripts halp thus to unerstand the diversity of EL Niño event and the response of El Niño to external forcings. 
-  * Saint-Lu, M., et al. (2015). "Changes in the ENSO/SPCZ relationship from past to future climates." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 412: 18-24., n/a+  * Saint-Lu, M., et al. (2015). "Changes in the ENSO/SPCZ relationship from past to future climates." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 412: 18-24.,
     * This study considers a set of paleoclimate and future climate simulations. It shows that changes in the background tropical state largely control the mean SPCZ location. In contrast, changes in the background tropical state do not directly control the interannual variability of the SPCZ location. The relationship between ENSO and the SPCZ location varies from one climate to another. We thus demonstrate that the teleconnection mechanisms inferred from the modern climate cannot be directly extrapolated to other climates. This study therefore calls for a cautious interpretation of climate reconstructions from environmental indicators in the Southwest Pacific with regard to ENSO variations.     * This study considers a set of paleoclimate and future climate simulations. It shows that changes in the background tropical state largely control the mean SPCZ location. In contrast, changes in the background tropical state do not directly control the interannual variability of the SPCZ location. The relationship between ENSO and the SPCZ location varies from one climate to another. We thus demonstrate that the teleconnection mechanisms inferred from the modern climate cannot be directly extrapolated to other climates. This study therefore calls for a cautious interpretation of climate reconstructions from environmental indicators in the Southwest Pacific with regard to ENSO variations.
Line 600: Line 720:
     * We review the principal proxy data available for hydroclimatic reconstructionsover the Common Era (CE) and highlight the contemporary understanding of how these proxies are interpreted as hydroclimate indicators. We also review the available last-millennium simulations from fully coupled climate models and discuss several outstanding challenges associated with simulating hydroclimate variability and change over the CE.     * We review the principal proxy data available for hydroclimatic reconstructionsover the Common Era (CE) and highlight the contemporary understanding of how these proxies are interpreted as hydroclimate indicators. We also review the available last-millennium simulations from fully coupled climate models and discuss several outstanding challenges associated with simulating hydroclimate variability and change over the CE.
 +  * Atsawawaranunt, K., Comas-Bru, L., Amirnezhad Mozhdehi, S., Deininger, M., Harrison, S.P., Baker, A., Boyd, M., Kaushal, N., Masood Ahmed, S., Arienzo, M., Brahim, Y.A., Bajo, P., Braun, K., Burstyn, Y., Chawchai, S., Duan, W., Hatvani, I.G., Hu, J., Kern, Z., Labuhn, I., Lachniet, M., Lechleiter, F.A., Lorrey, A., Pérez-Mejías, C., Pickering, R., Scroxton, N. and SISAL Working Group Members, 2018. The SISAL database: a global resource to document water and carbon isotope records from speleothems. Earth System Science Data 10:1687-1713. ,
 +    * Documents a new data set of oxygen isotope data from speleothems that will can be used for benchmarking isotope-enabled palaeoclimate simulations
-===== Chapter 9 =====+  * Bartlein, P.J., S.P. Harrison and K. Izumi, 2017, Underlying causes of Eurasian mid-continental aridity in simulations of mid-Holocene climate, Geophysical Research Letters. 44:1-9, 
 +    * Discusses a long-standing mismatch between climate-model simulations and paleo observations and relates these to present-day biases in atmospheric circulation and moisture flux 
 +  * Prentice, I.C., Cleator, S.F., Huang, Y.F., Harrison, S.P., Roulstone, I., 2017.  Reconstructing ice -age climates: quantifying low-CO2 effects on plants. Global and Planetary Change 149: 166-176., 
 +    * Provides a way of taking account of the ecophysicological impacts of low CO2 during glacial periods in making climate reconstructions of moisture variables from fossil pollen. The water-use efficiency of plants in reduced under low CO2 and this results in vegetation appearing to reflect more arid conditions that in fact prevailed. The paper provides a correction which can be applied to existing pollen-based reconstructions of moisture to take account of this. 
 +  * Perez-Sanz, A., Li, G., Gonzalez, P., Harrison, S.P., 2014. Evaluation of seasonal climates of northern Africa and the Mediterranean in the CMIP5 simulations.  Climate of the Past 10: 551-568. doi:10.5194/cp-10-551-2014, doi:10.5194/cp-10-551-2014 
 +    * Provides an evaluation of the ability of the CMIP5 simulations to simukate enhanced monsoons during the mid-Holocene. 
 +  * Li, G., S.P. Harrison, P.J. Bartlein, K. Izumi & I.C. Prentice, 2013, Precipitation scaling with temperature in warm and cold climates: an analysis of CMIP5 simulations. Geophysical Research Letters:,  
 +    * Examines the systematic scaling of precipitation changes in warm and cold climates 
 +===== Chapter 9: Ocean, Cryosphere, and Sea Level Change ===== 
 +Number of selected references: **32** 
 +  * Muglia, J., and Schmittner, A. (2015)Glacial Atlantic overturning increased by wind stress in climate modelsGeophysical Research Letters, 42., 
 +    * It demonstrates challenges of climate models to simulate past deep ocean circulation.
   * Koenig, S. J., Dolan, A. M., de Boer, B., Stone, E. J., Hill, D. J., DeConto, R. M., Abe-Ouchi, A., Lunt, D. J., Pollard, D., Quiquet, A., Saito, F., Savage, J., and van de Wal, R., 2015. Ice sheet model dependency of the simulated Greenland Ice Sheet in the mid-Pliocene, Clim. Past, 11, 369--381.,   * Koenig, S. J., Dolan, A. M., de Boer, B., Stone, E. J., Hill, D. J., DeConto, R. M., Abe-Ouchi, A., Lunt, D. J., Pollard, D., Quiquet, A., Saito, F., Savage, J., and van de Wal, R., 2015. Ice sheet model dependency of the simulated Greenland Ice Sheet in the mid-Pliocene, Clim. Past, 11, 369--381.,
Line 654: Line 794:
     * Using palaeo-climate comparisons to constrain future projections!     * Using palaeo-climate comparisons to constrain future projections!
-  * Zheng, W. P. and Braconnot, P. (2013). Characterization of Model Spread in PMIP2 Mid-Holocene Simulations of the African Monsoon. Journal of Climate. 26: 1192-1210., n/a+  * Zheng, W. P. and Braconnot, P. (2013). Characterization of Model Spread in PMIP2 Mid-Holocene Simulations of the African Monsoon. Journal of Climate. 26: 1192-1210.,
     * Using a classification of the monsoonal convective regimes fora subset of sevenPMIP mid Holocene simulations, this paper show that two categories of model can be defined based on their differences insimulating deep and moderate convective regimes in the PI simulations. Changes in precipitation at 6 ka are dominated by changes in the large-scale dynamics for most of the PMIP2 models and are characterized bya shift in the monsoonal circulation toward deeper convective regimes. The results indicate that systematic model biases in simulating the radiation and heat fluxes could explain the damping of the meridional temperature gradient over West Africa and thereby the underestimation of precipitation in the Sahel-Sahara region.     * Using a classification of the monsoonal convective regimes fora subset of sevenPMIP mid Holocene simulations, this paper show that two categories of model can be defined based on their differences insimulating deep and moderate convective regimes in the PI simulations. Changes in precipitation at 6 ka are dominated by changes in the large-scale dynamics for most of the PMIP2 models and are characterized bya shift in the monsoonal circulation toward deeper convective regimes. The results indicate that systematic model biases in simulating the radiation and heat fluxes could explain the damping of the meridional temperature gradient over West Africa and thereby the underestimation of precipitation in the Sahel-Sahara region.
-  * Marzin, C., Kallel, N., Kageyama, M., Duplessy, J. C. and Braconnot, P. (2013). Glacial fluctuations of the Indian monsoon and their relationship with North Atlantic climate: new data and modelling experiments. Climate of the Past. 9: 2135-2151, n/a+  * Marzin, C., Kallel, N., Kageyama, M., Duplessy, J. C. and Braconnot, P. (2013). Glacial fluctuations of the Indian monsoon and their relationship with North Atlantic climate: new data and modelling experiments. Climate of the Past. 9: 2135-2151,
     * This study analyse the processes that can explain the relationship between the Indian monsoon and the North Atlantic climate under glacial conditions,  by increasing the freshwater flux in the North Atlantic and reducing the intensity of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. It shows that reduced indian monsoon is associated to changes in the continental runoff and local hydrological cycle that are responsible for the changes in salinity of the Bay of Bengal in the model. Sensitivity experiments also highlight that  the changes over the tropical Atlantic are essential in triggering perturbations of the subtropical jet over Eurasia that in turn affect the intensity of the Indian monsoon.     * This study analyse the processes that can explain the relationship between the Indian monsoon and the North Atlantic climate under glacial conditions,  by increasing the freshwater flux in the North Atlantic and reducing the intensity of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. It shows that reduced indian monsoon is associated to changes in the continental runoff and local hydrological cycle that are responsible for the changes in salinity of the Bay of Bengal in the model. Sensitivity experiments also highlight that  the changes over the tropical Atlantic are essential in triggering perturbations of the subtropical jet over Eurasia that in turn affect the intensity of the Indian monsoon.
-  * Howell, F. W., Haywood, A. M., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Bragg, F., Chan, W.-L., Chandler, M. A., Contoux, C., Kamae, Y., Abe-Ouchi, A., Rosenbloom, N. A., Stepanek, C. and Zhang, Z.: Arctic sea ice simulation in the PlioMIP ensemble, Clim. Past, 12, 749-767, doi:10.5194/cp-12-749-2016, 2016., 10.5194/cp-12-749-2016+  * Howell, F. W., Haywood, A. M., Otto-Bliesner, B. L., Bragg, F., Chan, W.-L., Chandler, M. A., Contoux, C., Kamae, Y., Abe-Ouchi, A., Rosenbloom, N. A., Stepanek, C. and Zhang, Z.: Arctic sea ice simulation in the PlioMIP ensemble, Clim. Past, 12, 749-767, doi:10.5194/cp-12-749-2016, 2016.,
     * This paper describes the response of Artic sea-ice to the Pliocene warm climate (PlioMIP1) into 8 general circulation models     * This paper describes the response of Artic sea-ice to the Pliocene warm climate (PlioMIP1) into 8 general circulation models
Line 697: Line 837:
-===== Chapter 10 =====+===== Chapter 10: Linking Global to Regional Climate Change ===== 
 +Number of selected references: **50** 
 +  * Zhu, J., Z.Y. Liu, E.C. Brady, B.L. Otto-Bliesner, S.A. Marcott, J. Zhang, A. Wang, D. Noone, R. Tomas, J. Nusbaumer, T. Wong, A. Jahn, and C. Tabor, 2017: Reduced ENSO variability at the LGM revealed by an isotope-enabled Earth system model. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 6984-6992., n/a 
 +    * Paleoclimate reconstructions and model simulations of ENSO strength at the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM; 21 ka B.P.) have led to contradicting conclusions. Using simulations from the water isotope-enabled Community Earth System Model (iCESM), this paper shows that the LGM ENSO is most likely weaker than the preindustrial and that ENSO reconstructions using the individual foraminifera analysis may reflect changes in the annual cycle instead of ENSO variability
   * Zhu, J., Z.Y. Liu, E. Brady, B. Otto-Bliesner, J.X. Zhang, J. Nusbaumer, T.E. Wong, A. Jahn, and D. Noone, 2017: Investigating the direct meltwater effect in terrestrial oxygen-isotope paleoclimate records using an isotope-enabled Earth system model. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 12501-12510.,   * Zhu, J., Z.Y. Liu, E. Brady, B. Otto-Bliesner, J.X. Zhang, J. Nusbaumer, T.E. Wong, A. Jahn, and D. Noone, 2017: Investigating the direct meltwater effect in terrestrial oxygen-isotope paleoclimate records using an isotope-enabled Earth system model. Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 12501-12510.,
Line 798: Line 943:
     * Using palaeo-climate comparisons to constrain future projections!     * Using palaeo-climate comparisons to constrain future projections!
-  * Marzin, C., Kallel, N., Kageyama, M., Duplessy, J. C. and Braconnot, P. (2013). Glacial fluctuations of the Indian monsoon and their relationship with North Atlantic climate: new data and modelling experiments. Climate of the Past. 9: 2135-2151, n/a+  * Marzin, C., Kallel, N., Kageyama, M., Duplessy, J. C. and Braconnot, P. (2013). Glacial fluctuations of the Indian monsoon and their relationship with North Atlantic climate: new data and modelling experiments. Climate of the Past. 9: 2135-2151,
     * This study analyse the processes that can explain the relationship between the Indian monsoon and the North Atlantic climate under glacial conditions,  by increasing the freshwater flux in the North Atlantic and reducing the intensity of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. It shows that reduced indian monsoon is associated to changes in the continental runoff and local hydrological cycle that are responsible for the changes in salinity of the Bay of Bengal in the model. Sensitivity experiments also highlight that  the changes over the tropical Atlantic are essential in triggering perturbations of the subtropical jet over Eurasia that in turn affect the intensity of the Indian monsoon.     * This study analyse the processes that can explain the relationship between the Indian monsoon and the North Atlantic climate under glacial conditions,  by increasing the freshwater flux in the North Atlantic and reducing the intensity of the Atlantic meridional overturning circulation. It shows that reduced indian monsoon is associated to changes in the continental runoff and local hydrological cycle that are responsible for the changes in salinity of the Bay of Bengal in the model. Sensitivity experiments also highlight that  the changes over the tropical Atlantic are essential in triggering perturbations of the subtropical jet over Eurasia that in turn affect the intensity of the Indian monsoon.
-  * Luan, Y. H., et al. (2015). "Tropical Pacific mean state and ENSO changes: sensitivity to freshwater flux and remnant ice sheets at 9.5 ka BP." Climate Dynamics 44(3-4): 661-678., n/a+  * Luan, Y. H., et al. (2015). "Tropical Pacific mean state and ENSO changes: sensitivity to freshwater flux and remnant ice sheets at 9.5 ka BP." Climate Dynamics 44(3-4): 661-678.,
     * Using as a reference a simulation of the early Holocene, the present study explores the relative contribution of ice-sheet and fresh water fluxes  on themean climate state and ENSO variability in the tropical Pacific.The freshwater flux impact on ocean circulation and atmospheric feedbacks enhances ENSO amplitude. A feedback analysis suggests that it is due to the wind-thermocline feedback. The remnant ice sheett does not induce significant change in ENSO. Itexhibits a slight SST variability increase at the east coast and a reduction in the middle of the basin driven by the net. The freshwater flux forcing strengthens the amplitude of EP El Niño events. This mansucripts halp thus to unerstand the diversity of EL Niño event and the response of El Niño to external forcings.      * Using as a reference a simulation of the early Holocene, the present study explores the relative contribution of ice-sheet and fresh water fluxes  on themean climate state and ENSO variability in the tropical Pacific.The freshwater flux impact on ocean circulation and atmospheric feedbacks enhances ENSO amplitude. A feedback analysis suggests that it is due to the wind-thermocline feedback. The remnant ice sheett does not induce significant change in ENSO. Itexhibits a slight SST variability increase at the east coast and a reduction in the middle of the basin driven by the net. The freshwater flux forcing strengthens the amplitude of EP El Niño events. This mansucripts halp thus to unerstand the diversity of EL Niño event and the response of El Niño to external forcings. 
-  * Saint-Lu, M., et al. (2015). "Changes in the ENSO/SPCZ relationship from past to future climates." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 412: 18-24., n/a+  * Saint-Lu, M., et al. (2015). "Changes in the ENSO/SPCZ relationship from past to future climates." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 412: 18-24.,
     * This study considers a set of paleoclimate and future climate simulations. It shows that changes in the background tropical state largely control the mean SPCZ location. In contrast, changes in the background tropical state do not directly control the interannual variability of the SPCZ location. The relationship between ENSO and the SPCZ location varies from one climate to another. We thus demonstrate that the teleconnection mechanisms inferred from the modern climate cannot be directly extrapolated to other climates. This study therefore calls for a cautious interpretation of climate reconstructions from environmental indicators in the Southwest Pacific with regard to ENSO variations.     * This study considers a set of paleoclimate and future climate simulations. It shows that changes in the background tropical state largely control the mean SPCZ location. In contrast, changes in the background tropical state do not directly control the interannual variability of the SPCZ location. The relationship between ENSO and the SPCZ location varies from one climate to another. We thus demonstrate that the teleconnection mechanisms inferred from the modern climate cannot be directly extrapolated to other climates. This study therefore calls for a cautious interpretation of climate reconstructions from environmental indicators in the Southwest Pacific with regard to ENSO variations.
-  * Blanchet, C. L., Contoux, C., Leduc, G.: Runoff and precipitation dynamics in the Blue and White Nile catchments during the mid-Holocene: a data-model comparison, Quaternary Science Reviews, 130, 222-230, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.07.014, 2015., 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.07.014+  * Blanchet, C. L., Contoux, C., Leduc, G.: Runoff and precipitation dynamics in the Blue and White Nile catchments during the mid-Holocene: a data-model comparison, Quaternary Science Reviews, 130, 222-230, doi: 10.1016/j.quascirev.2015.07.014, 2015.,
     * This paper describes the changes in contribution between the White Nile and the Blue Nile river catchments during the mid-Holocene. By comparing regional proxy-records with the output from a global atmospheric model zoomed on Africa, we propose that the reduced contribution from the Blue Nile at 6 ka originated from both a higher White Nile runoff and a lower Blue Nile runoff.     * This paper describes the changes in contribution between the White Nile and the Blue Nile river catchments during the mid-Holocene. By comparing regional proxy-records with the output from a global atmospheric model zoomed on Africa, we propose that the reduced contribution from the Blue Nile at 6 ka originated from both a higher White Nile runoff and a lower Blue Nile runoff.
Line 834: Line 979:
     * The study compares different glacial maximum ice sheet reconstructions of Antarctica by using an isotope-enabled high-resolution atmosphere GCM. A best model data match is achieved for the PMIP3 reconstruction. Furthermore, the performed modern and glacial climate simulations support the validity of the isotopic paleothermometer approach based on the use of present-day observations.     * The study compares different glacial maximum ice sheet reconstructions of Antarctica by using an isotope-enabled high-resolution atmosphere GCM. A best model data match is achieved for the PMIP3 reconstruction. Furthermore, the performed modern and glacial climate simulations support the validity of the isotopic paleothermometer approach based on the use of present-day observations.
 +  * Bartlein, P.J., S.P. Harrison and K. Izumi, 2017, Underlying causes of Eurasian mid-continental aridity in simulations of mid-Holocene climate, Geophysical Research Letters. 44:1-9,
 +    * Discusses a long-standing mismatch between climate-model simulations and paleo observations and relates these to present-day biases in atmospheric circulation and moisture flux
-===== Chapter 11 =====+  * Emile-Geay, J., Cobb, K.M., Carré, M., Braconnot, P., Leloup, J., Zhou, Y., Harrison, S.P., Corrège, T., Collins, M., Driscoll, R., Elliot, M., McGregor, H.V., Schneider, B., Tudhope, A., 2015. Linkages between tropical Pacific seasonal, interannual and orbital variability during the Holocene. Nature Geoscience 9: 168-173. doi:10.1038/ngeo2608, doi:10.1038/ngeo2608 
 +    * Shows that ENSO variance was reduced throughout most of the Holocene and that this quiescence is not obvioulsy related to orbital forcing. Climate models are unable to reproduce these observations. 
 +  * Perez-Sanz, A., Li, G., Gonzalez, P., Harrison, S.P., 2014. Evaluation of seasonal climates of northern Africa and the Mediterranean in the CMIP5 simulations.  Climate of the Past 10: 551-568. doi:10.5194/cp-10-551-2014, doi:10.5194/cp-10-551-2014 
 +    * Provides an evaluation of the ability of the CMIP5 simulations to simukate enhanced monsoons during the mid-Holocene. 
 +  * Luo, X. and Wang, B., 2018. How autumn Eurasian snow anomalies affect east asian winter monsoon: a numerical study. Climate Dynamics, pp.1-14., 
 +    * The possible mechanisms by which Eurasian autumn snow anomalies affect east asian winter monsoon (EAWM) are investigated by numerical experiments with a coupled general circulation model and its atmospheric general circulation model component. Mongolian Plateau and Vicinity (MPV, 40°-55°N, 80°-120°E) is the key region for autumn snow anomalies to affect EAWM, and snow anomalies over the MPV region can affect EAWM through a positive feedback process. 
 +===== Chapter 11: Weather and Climate Extreme Events in a Changing Climate ===== 
 +Number of selected references: **12** 
 +  * Stevenson, S, J. Overpeck, J. T. Fasullo, S. Coats, L. Parsons, B. Otto-Bliesner, T. R. Ault, G. Loope, J. Cole, 2018: Climate Variability, Volcanic Forcing, and Last Millennium Climate Extremes, Journal of Climate, 31, 4309-4327., n/a 
 +    * The Community Earth System Model (CESM) Last Millennium Ensemble to examine statistical associations between regional mega-events (megadroughts and megapluvials), coupled climate modes, forcing from major volcanic eruptions.
   * Polanski, S., B. Fallah, D. J. Befort, S. Prasad and U. Cubasch, 2014: Regional moisture change over India during the past Millenium: A comparison of multi-proxy reconstructions and climate model simulations. Global and Planetary Change, 122, 176-185, ,   * Polanski, S., B. Fallah, D. J. Befort, S. Prasad and U. Cubasch, 2014: Regional moisture change over India during the past Millenium: A comparison of multi-proxy reconstructions and climate model simulations. Global and Planetary Change, 122, 176-185, ,
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     * We review the principal proxy data available for hydroclimatic reconstructionsover the Common Era (CE) and highlight the contemporary understanding of how these proxies are interpreted as hydroclimate indicators. We also review the available last-millennium simulations from fully coupled climate models and discuss several outstanding challenges associated with simulating hydroclimate variability and change over the CE.     * We review the principal proxy data available for hydroclimatic reconstructionsover the Common Era (CE) and highlight the contemporary understanding of how these proxies are interpreted as hydroclimate indicators. We also review the available last-millennium simulations from fully coupled climate models and discuss several outstanding challenges associated with simulating hydroclimate variability and change over the CE.
 +  * Luo, X. and Wang, B., 2017. How predictable is the winter extremely cold days over temperate East Asia?. Climate dynamics, 48(7-8), pp.2557-2568., DOI 10.1007/s00382-016-3222-4
 +    * This work estimates the NECD predictability in temperate East Asia(TEA, 30°-50°N, 110°-140°E) where the current dynamical models exhibit limited prediction skill. We used physics-based empirical models (PEMs) to explore the sources and limits of the seasonal predictability in the winter extremely cold days over over TEA.
-===== Chapter 12 =====+  * Luo, X. and Wang, B., 2018. Predictability and prediction of the total number of winter extremely cold days over China. Climate Dynamics, 50(5-6), pp.1769-1784., DOI 10.1007/s00382-017-3720-z 
 +    * The present study uses physics-based empirical models (PEMs) to explore the sources and limits of the seasonal predictability in the total number of extremely cold days (NECD) over China.The physical mechanisms by which the autumn Arctic sea ice, snow cover, and tropical- North Pacific SST anomalies affect winter NECD over the Northeast and Main China are discussed. 
 +===== Chapter 12: Climate change information for regional impacts and risk assessment ===== 
 +Number of selected references: **12** 
 +  * Mares, C., I. Mares, H. Huebener, M. Mihailescu, U. Cubasch, and P. Stanciu, 2014: A Hidden Markov Model Applied to the Daily Spring Precipitation over the Danube Basin. Advances in Meteorology, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 237247, 11 pp, 
 +    * Regional derivation of daily spring precipitation
   * Polanski, S., B. Fallah, D. J. Befort, S. Prasad and U. Cubasch, 2014: Regional moisture change over India during the past Millenium: A comparison of multi-proxy reconstructions and climate model simulations. Global and Planetary Change, 122, 176-185, ,   * Polanski, S., B. Fallah, D. J. Befort, S. Prasad and U. Cubasch, 2014: Regional moisture change over India during the past Millenium: A comparison of multi-proxy reconstructions and climate model simulations. Global and Planetary Change, 122, 176-185, ,
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   * PAGES Hydro2k Consortium (J. E. Smerdon, J. Luterbacher, S. J. Phipps, K. J. Anchukaitis, T. Ault, S. Coats, K. M. Cobb, B. I. Cook, C. Colose, T. Felis, A. Gallant, J. H. Jungclaus, B. Konecky, A. LeGrande, S. Lewis, A. S. Lopatka, W. Man, J. S. Mankin, J. T. Maxwell, B. L. Otto-Bliesner, J. W. Partin, D. Singh, N. J. Steiger, S. Stevenson, J. E. Tierney, D. Zanchettin, H. Zhang, A. R. Atwood, L. Andreu-Hayles, S. H. Baek, B. Buckley, E. R. Cook, R. D'Arrigo, S. G. Dee, M. L. Griffiths, C. Kulkarni, Y. Kushnir, F. Lehner, C. Leland, H. W. Linderholm, A. Okazaki, J. Palmer, E. Piovano, C. C. Raible, M. P. Rao, J. Scheff, G. A. Schmidt, R. Seager, M. Widmann, A. P. Williams and E. Xoplaki): Comparing proxy and model estimates of hydroclimate variability and change over the Common Era, Climate of the Past, 13, 1851-1900, doi:10.5194/cp-13-1851-2017, 2017., 10.5194/cp-13-1851-2017   * PAGES Hydro2k Consortium (J. E. Smerdon, J. Luterbacher, S. J. Phipps, K. J. Anchukaitis, T. Ault, S. Coats, K. M. Cobb, B. I. Cook, C. Colose, T. Felis, A. Gallant, J. H. Jungclaus, B. Konecky, A. LeGrande, S. Lewis, A. S. Lopatka, W. Man, J. S. Mankin, J. T. Maxwell, B. L. Otto-Bliesner, J. W. Partin, D. Singh, N. J. Steiger, S. Stevenson, J. E. Tierney, D. Zanchettin, H. Zhang, A. R. Atwood, L. Andreu-Hayles, S. H. Baek, B. Buckley, E. R. Cook, R. D'Arrigo, S. G. Dee, M. L. Griffiths, C. Kulkarni, Y. Kushnir, F. Lehner, C. Leland, H. W. Linderholm, A. Okazaki, J. Palmer, E. Piovano, C. C. Raible, M. P. Rao, J. Scheff, G. A. Schmidt, R. Seager, M. Widmann, A. P. Williams and E. Xoplaki): Comparing proxy and model estimates of hydroclimate variability and change over the Common Era, Climate of the Past, 13, 1851-1900, doi:10.5194/cp-13-1851-2017, 2017., 10.5194/cp-13-1851-2017
     * We review the principal proxy data available for hydroclimatic reconstructionsover the Common Era (CE) and highlight the contemporary understanding of how these proxies are interpreted as hydroclimate indicators. We also review the available last-millennium simulations from fully coupled climate models and discuss several outstanding challenges associated with simulating hydroclimate variability and change over the CE.     * We review the principal proxy data available for hydroclimatic reconstructionsover the Common Era (CE) and highlight the contemporary understanding of how these proxies are interpreted as hydroclimate indicators. We also review the available last-millennium simulations from fully coupled climate models and discuss several outstanding challenges associated with simulating hydroclimate variability and change over the CE.
 +  * Martin Calvo, M., Prentice, I.C., Harrison, S.P., 2014. Climate versus carbon dioxide controls on biomass burning: a model analysis of the glacial-interglacial contrast. Biogeosciences, 11, 6017-6027. doi:10.5194/bg-11-6017-2014, doi:10.5194/bg-11-6017-2014a
 +    * Demonstrates that changing CO2 since the Last Glacial Maximum has affected  fire regimes through altering productivity and hence fuel loads. By analogy, both rising CO2 and climate must be considered as risk factors for wildfire.
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  • Last modified: 2019/08/28 09:03
  • by jypeter