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wings:index [2024/12/20 15:11]
jypeter [Future seminars]
wings:index [2025/03/13 10:10] (current)
jypeter [Future seminars] Updated Pascale's subject
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   * Send a mail to [[]] if you are not a member of the //pmip-announce// list yet, and you want to receive PMIP related information   * Send a mail to [[]] if you are not a member of the //pmip-announce// list yet, and you want to receive PMIP related information
-<WRAP center round important 60%> 
-**Special PMIP Xmas WINGS** 
-**Date**: December 24th 2025, midnight, [[|North Pole]] time zone 
-  * [[|Santa Claus]], Santa NH Lab:\\ //Will using slower PMIP WINGS instead of rain deers for present distribution reduce precipitation?// 
 <WRAP center round info 60%> <WRAP center round info 60%>
-**PMIP WINGS #16**+**PMIP WINGS #18**
-**Date**: probably last Thursday of January 2025+**Date**: [[|Thursday, March 20th 2025, 11am Chile, 8am Denver, 3pm Paris, 11pm Tokyo, ...]]
-**Speakers**: +**Speakers**: <wrap hi>A discussion of paleo and how it fits into IPCC AR7</wrap> 
-  * First fine speaker +  * [[|Fabrice Lambert]], Pontifical Catholic University of Chile\\ //Decisions and implications from the initial sessions of the seventh cycle of the IPCC// 
-  * Second fine speaker+  * [[|Pascale Braconnot]], LSCE\\ //How can the PMIP community participate in the AR7 IPCC WG1 report//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 /* /*
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 We'll be back online in September, with //modelling/reconstructing (centennial scale) temperature variability// We'll be back online in September, with //modelling/reconstructing (centennial scale) temperature variability//
 </WRAP> </WRAP>
 +<WRAP center round important 60%>
 +**Special PMIP Xmas WINGS**
 +**Date**: December 24th 2025, midnight, [[|North Pole]] time zone
 +  * [[|Santa Claus]], Santa NH Lab:\\ //Will using slower PMIP WINGS instead of rain deers for present distribution reduce precipitation?//
 */ */
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   * [[|Recording]]   * [[|Recording]]
 +==== PMIP WINGS #16 ====
 +  * Date: [[|Thursday, January 30th, 09am Paris]]
 +  * Speakers:
 +    * **[[|Jack Wharton]]**, University College London\\  //[[|Deeper and stronger North Atlantic Gyre during the Last Glacial Maximum]]//
 +    * **[[|Marie Sicard]]**, Stockholm University\\ //Ocean-sea ice interactions in the Arctic-Atlantic sector during the Last Interglacial (127 ka)//
 +  * [[|Recording]]
 +==== PMIP WINGS #17 ====
 +  * Date: [[|Thursday, March 6th 2025, 4pm Paris (CET)]]
 +  * Speakers:
 +    * [[|Qiong Zhang]], Stockholm University & [[|Myriam Khodri]], LOCEAN\\ //November 2024 Past2K workshop report//
 +    * [[|Christian Stepanek]], Alfred Wegener Institute & [[|Louise Sime]], British Antarctic Survey\\ //PMIP Interglacials January 2025 Kick-off Meeting report//
 +  * [[|Recording]]
 ===== Flying with PMIP WINGS ===== ===== Flying with PMIP WINGS =====
  • wings/index.1734707519.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2024/12/20 15:11
  • by jypeter