

PMIP Web-based INteractive Global Seminars

  • You will receive a link to attend the next seminar in a mail sent to the pmip-announce mailing list
    • …and we will send a reminder a few hours before the seminar starts
  • Please contact us to volunteer (or to volunteer someone else!) to give a seminar
  • Send a mail to if you are not a member of the pmip-announce list yet, and you want to receive PMIP related information


Date: Thursday, October 3rd 2024, 10am London (a late September WINGS)


  • William Gray, LSCE, France:
    Poleward shift in the Southern Hemisphere westerly winds synchronous with the deglacial rise in CO2
  • Irene Malmierca Vallet, BAS, UK:
    The Impact of CO2 and Climate State on Whether Dansgaard–Oeschger Type Oscillations Occur in Climate Models


Date: Thursday, October 24th 2024, 18h00 Tokyo (actually the same time as WINGS #13)


  • Sam Sheriff-Tadano, University of the Ryukyus, Japan:
    LGM AMOC across PMIP phases and the role of NADW/AABW density contrast
  • Takashi Obase, JAMSTEC, Japan:
    Transient climate simulations of the last deglaciation: MIROC and multi-model analysis

Catch up with the past by clicking on links below to access the recorded seminars

All the recorded seminars will be available on YouTube PMIP WINGS playlist (

  • Speakers:
    • Martin Renoult, Stockholm University
      Paleoclimate perspective on Earth’s climate sensitivity
    • Alan Seltzer, Woods Hole
      Terrestrial amplification of past, present, and future climate change
  • Speakers:
    • Charlie Williams:
      Reflections on using HadGEM3 for warm palaeoclimates
      Based upon his experiences running the midHolocene, midPliocene-eoi400 and Eocene simulations with the UK model
    • Ran Feng:
      Past terrestrial hydroclimate sensitivity controlled by Earth system feedbacks
      Benefits of running additional sensitivity experiments
  • Speakers:
    • Sze Ling Ho, National Taiwan University
      Latitudinal patterns of upper ocean temperature: Are they proxy-dependent?
    • Zhongshi Zhang, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan
      Influence of global mean sea-level rise on atmospheric and oceanic circulations
  • Speakers:
    • Xiaojing Du, Rice University
      A zonal mode over the tropical Indian Ocean during Heinrich Stadial 1
    • John C. H. Chiang, UC Berkeley
      A tale of two annual cycles: the remarkable change in Pacific cold tongue seasonality under orbital precession
  • Speakers:
    • Masa Kageyama, LSCE/IPSL
      PMIP latest news (organization update, preparing for CMIP7)
    • Natalie J. Burls, George Mason University, Washington
      Recent community efforts on simulating the Miocene
  • Speakers:
    • Masanobu Yamamoto, Hokkaido University
      CO2 reconstruction based on Indian C3/C4 vegetation changes over the past 1.46 million years
    • Axel Timmermann, IBS Center for Climate Physics
      Simulating 3 million years of Earth history with a CGCM
  • Speakers:
    • Qiong Zhang, Stockholm University
      Forced vs unforced multi-centennial variability in climate model simulations of the Holocene
    • PMIP and CMIP 7 discussion (not recorded)
  • Speakers:
    • Thomas Laepple, Alfred-Wegener-Institut, Potsdam
      Climate models and proxy data still represent different worlds regarding climate variability; Time for radical new climate model experiments?
    • Bo Liu, Max Planck Inst. - Meteorology, Hamburg
      Constraining the Ocean Carbon Cycle in the Past — Towards More Robust Future Projections in ESMs
  • Speakers:
    • Louise Sime, British Antarctic Survey
      Arctic sea ice during the LIG: Progress through the puddles
    • Christian Stepanek, Alfred Wegener Institute
      PMIP Interglacials Community Survey and an update on plans for the next PMIP
  • Speakers:
    • Gabriel Pontes, Climate Change Research Centre (CCRC) and the Australian Centre for Excellence in Antarctic Sciences (ACEAS) at the University of New South Wales (UNSW)
      ENSO sensitivity to background states: lessons from a multi-climate analysis
    • Yasuto Watanabe, Meteorological Research Institute of Japan Meteorological Agency
      Drivers of the 41-kyr glacial cycles during the early Pleistocene
  • PMIP General Discussion: PMIP, CMIP & beyond

This was a joint PMIP WINGS #12 and CVAS (Climate Variability Across Scales) meeting

  • Speakers:
    • Alexander Robinson
      Simulating Heinrich events using an ice sheet model
    • Matteo Willeit
      Simulating Dansgaard-Oeschger events using a climate model
  • Recording:

If you got here by chance, or have forgotten what PMIP is about, visit the What is PMIP now? page on the main PMIP website

  • The PMIP Web-based INteractive Global Seminars is an online seminar series about PMIP related subjects (science results, plans, work in progress, proposals for things that PMIP could do, anything that may be of interest to the members of PMIP)
  • Frequency: the seminars will take place on Zoom, approximately once a month, on the last Thursday of the month
  • Time: the seminars will be recorded and the actual time of the meeting will vary so that everyone will have the chance to attend some of them live
  • Content: two 20 minutes presentations plus discussion, finished within an hour
  • wings/index.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/10/01 14:23
  • by jypeter